Thursday, May 29, 2008

Blogging Meme

Blogging Meme

1. Why did you start your blog?
I wrote in journals for years in high school and college, and a few years into college, after having been online for several years, I decided to take my 'journaling' online. It's taken a few forms online, and currently I have a few different blogs. Several here, each with a different 'purpose', and then there's a couple others, elsewhere. It started though as an extension of paper journaling, as a place to vent and get out my feelings.

2. How did you come up with your blog name?
Well, this one is 'Meme Me' just since it's a meme. My 'main' one is from the song 'My Life' by Dido. Because I related to the song, and it just seemed to work for me.

3. Do your friends and family know about your blog? What do they think of it?
A couple of my friends do, like MeridianAriel. For my blogger ones, very few though. And even the MySpace one, I'm not sure how many of my friends actually look at it.

4. How do you write posts?
At random, when something pushes me to just get something out of my system.

5. Have you ever had a troll or had to delete unkind comments?
Just a few spammy kind of things, on this blog. But I think the new comment filters have fixed that. Haven't had to in quite a while.

6. Do you check your stats? Do you care how many people read your blog? If you do care, how do you increase traffic?
I don't even know how to see stats for this blog. And I don't pay much attention to it on myspace and such.

7. What kind of blogs/posts interest you?
Random stuff, I like entertainment, sometimes fiction blogs are fun though, but sometimes just random stuff about random people's lives is interesting too.

8. What do you like and dislike about blogging?
I like getting stuff out of my system, sometimes it's the only outlet. I also like just sometimes finding something fun to do. I just sometimes wish I was better with 'regular upkeep'.

9. Tag 5 other bloggers.
Don't know five other bloggers. And the one I do, MeridianAriel, is where I picked this up from, so...

Friday, May 23, 2008

Book Meme

Book Meme

The 'rules' are as follows:
Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages).
Open the book to page 123.
Find the fifth sentence.
Post the next three sentences.

I feel a little awkward about this one, since I haven't read much lately, and am rather erratic about reading. But my friend MeridianAriel posted it on her blog, and so I'm going to do it too. *L* Just like the lemming jumps off the cliff.

Okay, so I bought two books the other day, grabbed them both, but one is a few pages shy (116) *L*, so sentences from the other. It's the newest Gossip Girl book, 'The Carlyles'. I like Gossip Girl, the books and the show. It's good soapy, gossipy, fun. *L*

So, the sentences are part of one of the 'Gossip Girl' 'entries'.

"As we all know, this summer our beloved Avery Carlyle passed away. Benefactress extraordinaire, she gave away pieces of her fortune to museums, libraries, and parks the way other people donate last season's dresses to St. George's thrift shop. At seventeen, she made headlines dancing of the tables at Elvis's first New York show."

what genre of books do you read? and why? I've gone through phases with my reading in my life. As a kid, I lived on Sweet Valley and The Baby Sitter's Club. By the end of high school, beginning of college I dipped my toes in a few Mystery novels. And from High school through into college was also a time I read several Star Trek novels. Then I went through a childhood revival phase and broke out some of those old Sweet Valley books and even a couple of the newer ones. *L* Then Lord of the Rings came out and I loved the films, and decided to read the books. And then it wasn't so much a revival, but I found some fun in some young adult geared novels. Finding them fun, fluffy, and easy to read, like Gossip Girl. And I also discovered one particular author, hidden between all those 'fluffy' books in the young adults. An author named Francesca Lia Block. Her writing style is unique, it's almost a poem, but not. And her tone is often dark, the stories styled like modern fairy tales gone horribly wrong.

What books do you dislike? Anything that just drags on in inane details. I absolutely loathed Jane Eyre in high school. I couldn't even stomach reading the first chapter of each reading assignment after the first two. *L* Wound up renting the BBC miniseries of it. That I found much more to my liking. It cut out all the crap and just gave you the storyline. *L*

favourite children's books?
I was a fan of Dr Seuss. There were also these little books that now I can't recall the name of, that are apparently near impossible to find anymore. But they had these really cute little drawings of these little children and flowers and balloons and stuff. *L*

favourite classic novel? I enjoyed Lord of the Rings, and read and seemed to like The Three Musketeers. Also, in high school, I managed to actually kind of enjoy All Quiet on the Western Front and Siddhartha. I think I liked All Quiet on the Western Front because it was a World War II set novel, and I had an interest as a kid in that era. Siddartha was just different than most other books we had to read in class.

all time favourite book? or author? I think I'm going to have to go with Francesca Lia Block, and the Imazadi and Millennium Star Trek novels. :)

what is the next book you will read? Not sure, there's still a couple I've got going I need to finish first.

what will your next book purchase be? like I said, just bought some, so it'll probably be a little while before the next. Unless I buy one of those map books by Thomas' Guide. *L*

favourite place for reading? usually just my room, in bed or on my bed.

tag 5 people. I don't think 5 people even read this, so...