Thursday, November 17, 2005

Thursday Threesome: Thanksgiving

Onesome: Where's-- the main event for you and yours next Thursday? Are you staying in? ...or are you doing the "Over the river and through the woods" thing?
Staying home, and I think my brother is cooking the dinner this year, with some help from my mom.

Twosome: the-- main course? If you had your way, what would be on your plate as you sat down for a Thanksgiving meal?
For the three of us, we do just the best stuff, turkey, mashed potatos, gravy, cranberry sauce, and pumkin pie. That's all I need for a good Thanksgiving dinner.

Threesome: Server?-- Who is the main server at your get together? Does one person run the show? ...or do several people work together? Students: do you even get to go somewhere?
It's not really a 'show'. We don't invite anyone else over, it's just me, mom, and bro. Nothing really different from any prepared dinner we have other than what's being served.

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