Thursday, May 29, 2008

Blogging Meme

Blogging Meme

1. Why did you start your blog?
I wrote in journals for years in high school and college, and a few years into college, after having been online for several years, I decided to take my 'journaling' online. It's taken a few forms online, and currently I have a few different blogs. Several here, each with a different 'purpose', and then there's a couple others, elsewhere. It started though as an extension of paper journaling, as a place to vent and get out my feelings.

2. How did you come up with your blog name?
Well, this one is 'Meme Me' just since it's a meme. My 'main' one is from the song 'My Life' by Dido. Because I related to the song, and it just seemed to work for me.

3. Do your friends and family know about your blog? What do they think of it?
A couple of my friends do, like MeridianAriel. For my blogger ones, very few though. And even the MySpace one, I'm not sure how many of my friends actually look at it.

4. How do you write posts?
At random, when something pushes me to just get something out of my system.

5. Have you ever had a troll or had to delete unkind comments?
Just a few spammy kind of things, on this blog. But I think the new comment filters have fixed that. Haven't had to in quite a while.

6. Do you check your stats? Do you care how many people read your blog? If you do care, how do you increase traffic?
I don't even know how to see stats for this blog. And I don't pay much attention to it on myspace and such.

7. What kind of blogs/posts interest you?
Random stuff, I like entertainment, sometimes fiction blogs are fun though, but sometimes just random stuff about random people's lives is interesting too.

8. What do you like and dislike about blogging?
I like getting stuff out of my system, sometimes it's the only outlet. I also like just sometimes finding something fun to do. I just sometimes wish I was better with 'regular upkeep'.

9. Tag 5 other bloggers.
Don't know five other bloggers. And the one I do, MeridianAriel, is where I picked this up from, so...

Friday, May 23, 2008

Book Meme

Book Meme

The 'rules' are as follows:
Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages).
Open the book to page 123.
Find the fifth sentence.
Post the next three sentences.

I feel a little awkward about this one, since I haven't read much lately, and am rather erratic about reading. But my friend MeridianAriel posted it on her blog, and so I'm going to do it too. *L* Just like the lemming jumps off the cliff.

Okay, so I bought two books the other day, grabbed them both, but one is a few pages shy (116) *L*, so sentences from the other. It's the newest Gossip Girl book, 'The Carlyles'. I like Gossip Girl, the books and the show. It's good soapy, gossipy, fun. *L*

So, the sentences are part of one of the 'Gossip Girl' 'entries'.

"As we all know, this summer our beloved Avery Carlyle passed away. Benefactress extraordinaire, she gave away pieces of her fortune to museums, libraries, and parks the way other people donate last season's dresses to St. George's thrift shop. At seventeen, she made headlines dancing of the tables at Elvis's first New York show."

what genre of books do you read? and why? I've gone through phases with my reading in my life. As a kid, I lived on Sweet Valley and The Baby Sitter's Club. By the end of high school, beginning of college I dipped my toes in a few Mystery novels. And from High school through into college was also a time I read several Star Trek novels. Then I went through a childhood revival phase and broke out some of those old Sweet Valley books and even a couple of the newer ones. *L* Then Lord of the Rings came out and I loved the films, and decided to read the books. And then it wasn't so much a revival, but I found some fun in some young adult geared novels. Finding them fun, fluffy, and easy to read, like Gossip Girl. And I also discovered one particular author, hidden between all those 'fluffy' books in the young adults. An author named Francesca Lia Block. Her writing style is unique, it's almost a poem, but not. And her tone is often dark, the stories styled like modern fairy tales gone horribly wrong.

What books do you dislike? Anything that just drags on in inane details. I absolutely loathed Jane Eyre in high school. I couldn't even stomach reading the first chapter of each reading assignment after the first two. *L* Wound up renting the BBC miniseries of it. That I found much more to my liking. It cut out all the crap and just gave you the storyline. *L*

favourite children's books?
I was a fan of Dr Seuss. There were also these little books that now I can't recall the name of, that are apparently near impossible to find anymore. But they had these really cute little drawings of these little children and flowers and balloons and stuff. *L*

favourite classic novel? I enjoyed Lord of the Rings, and read and seemed to like The Three Musketeers. Also, in high school, I managed to actually kind of enjoy All Quiet on the Western Front and Siddhartha. I think I liked All Quiet on the Western Front because it was a World War II set novel, and I had an interest as a kid in that era. Siddartha was just different than most other books we had to read in class.

all time favourite book? or author? I think I'm going to have to go with Francesca Lia Block, and the Imazadi and Millennium Star Trek novels. :)

what is the next book you will read? Not sure, there's still a couple I've got going I need to finish first.

what will your next book purchase be? like I said, just bought some, so it'll probably be a little while before the next. Unless I buy one of those map books by Thomas' Guide. *L*

favourite place for reading? usually just my room, in bed or on my bed.

tag 5 people. I don't think 5 people even read this, so...

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Gotta Love Emails

1. How many email accounts do you have?
At least 5, I'm actually not sure off hand.

2. How often do you check these accounts?
some, hardly ever, two: daily, another that's at least fairly frequently

3. What was one of the best or worst emails you have ever got?
One of the best was perhaps that reply to work on the movie I worked on. Not sure on the worst, I hate all the junk email though that still ends up in my inbox and not the spam box.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Tina's Tuesdays

1. What was the last movie you saw at the theater?
I went to a film festival and saw in a theater for it, the movie Ten Inch Hero.

2. Was the movie any good? Why or why not?
Ten Inch Hero was great! It was sweet and fun. It's a movie about love and friendship and sex, and a sandwich shop. *L* The characters are all fun and quirky and loveable. They're the kind of people I'd love to have as friends, and I do, fortunately have one or two friends like that.

3. What are your all-time favorite movies?
Ten Inch Hero :), Home for the Holidays, The Ref, Empire Records, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Clerks, Mallrats, Dogma, Chasing Amy, Life as a House, and many more *L*

Sunday, December 04, 2005


randomness...feed your mind and your blog

week of Nov27.2005: 'tis the season....
It's that time of year again, the holidays are upon us.
Tell me all about your view on holidays

1. whats your favorite holiday?
Halloween actually, even though I never do anything for it anymore.

2. do the holidays depress you or make you happy?
eh... neither... in and of themselves.

3. whats the most annoying thing about this time of year?
All the freakin' people out shopping... it's totally insane...

4. whats your fav holiday food?
Thanksgiving... Turkey, Mash potatoes with gravy, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie. :)

till next time....

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Thursday Threesome: Thanksgiving

Onesome: Where's-- the main event for you and yours next Thursday? Are you staying in? ...or are you doing the "Over the river and through the woods" thing?
Staying home, and I think my brother is cooking the dinner this year, with some help from my mom.

Twosome: the-- main course? If you had your way, what would be on your plate as you sat down for a Thanksgiving meal?
For the three of us, we do just the best stuff, turkey, mashed potatos, gravy, cranberry sauce, and pumkin pie. That's all I need for a good Thanksgiving dinner.

Threesome: Server?-- Who is the main server at your get together? Does one person run the show? ...or do several people work together? Students: do you even get to go somewhere?
It's not really a 'show'. We don't invite anyone else over, it's just me, mom, and bro. Nothing really different from any prepared dinner we have other than what's being served.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Friday Feast

What was the last game you purchased?
Probably my Sims 2 Night Life expansion pack

Name something in which you don't believe.

If you could choose a television personality to be your boss, who would you pick?
no idea...

Main Course
What was a lesson you had to learn the hard way?
That often times life and people suck

Describe your idea of the perfect relaxation room.
I think anyplace with a comfy bed or couch to lay back on, and watch TV & DVDs is a good place to relax.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Randomness: Halloween

1. Pumpkin: Pie
2. Ghost: Hunter
3. Haunted: House
4. Grim Reaper: Death
5. Broom stick: Witches
6. Candy: Yummy
7. Vampire: Slayer *LOL*
8. Costume: Party (even though I've never actually been to one :P)

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Painted Garden Gnomes

::Painted Garden Gnomes::

Onesome: Painted-- Hey! Are you getting all painted up on Monday and going out and about? What are you dressing up as? ...or are you staying home and handing out goodies? ...or sitting in the dark and wishing they would all just go away?
Okay, this is a little late answering, Halloween has passed, but no dressing up, just gave out a little candy to a few Trick or Treaters.

Twosome: Garden-- In the garden of your mind, where do you go to relax for a few moments? Off to the beach? the mountains? a different world? ...or maybe a stroll though an old Victorian landscape?
Hmm... I guess I probably just see blue skies, with a couple clouds and a breeze.

Threesome: Gnomes-- Okay, we have to know: what do you think about garden gnomes and pink flamingos and such? I mean other than there seems to be a local ordinance that you have to have at least one or the other in your front yard if you live in South Florida?
Garden Gnomes and Pink Flamingos are cool. They're fun and cool. :)

(A Thursday Threesome)

Friday, October 28, 2005

Friday Feast

Do you button shirts top-to-bottom or bottom-to-top?
Usually bottom to top I think, but I've been known to vary it

What is your favorite sandwich?
My very favorite used to be this roast beef on sour dough with lettuce, tomato, and mayo until I stopped eating red meat. :P So now, I guess much the same, but substitue the roast beef with turkey and add a little mustard to the mix.

What was a family project you helped work on as a child?
Um, when we moved into our house when I was like nine I helped paint the walls. Most every room got a new coat when we moved in.

Main Course
When have you acted phony?
Hmm... that's hard, um, possibly in some situation with probably family, my mom's side, when I needed to just act a certain way. Like during my grandmother's illness and then her death. There was just so much drama going on, and so much bullshit and my aunt and uncle vying for stuff with my mom. Sometimes it was just sad how much greed of money amounts swayed my aunt and uncle at times and how catty they got over stuff. And it was like, just smile and pretend you're not offended by the whole situation.

Do you write letters or postcards? If so, to whom?
Um, I sometimes will write a letter to my grandmother. My other grandmother, my Nana. (Dad's mom) She lives on the East Coast and doesn't do the internet thing. So old fashioned mail is the way to do it with her still. But I think she's really the only person I write and send actual things in the mail to anymore. Most people I just email.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Wednesday Mind Hump: Dress Like a Dork Day

1. What are some of the dorkiest clothes or outfits you've worn?
Um, well in elementary school and early junior high I wore leggings (it was like 1990 so...)

2. Are there any current fashion styles you think are especially dorky, or just downright embarassing?
Hmm... I don't really know what to call them, but I'd say lately it seems I've walked into Macys Juniors department looked at some of the maniquines and wondered who the hell would ever wear that, and why would someone think that looked good.

3. What would I have to give you or do for you to make you wear the DORKIEST outfit you can think of, in public, for an entire day?
Hmm... I don't know... dorky... maybe cash of a resonably high denomination, or get me like a dream job or something... *L*

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Casual Curiosity

What do you think of...

the art of Pablo Picasso - cool, it's kinda strange, and interesting looking stuff

Health insurance - :P It is what it is... it sucks but if you don't have it you pay through the nose just to have the doctor listen to you cough.

the year 1937 - it's a year I sure don't remember, but remember studing... important year in the build to WWII.

Ants - Eh... kinda weird to watch, annoying if they are in your house. Better though than termites in your house. At least the Ants don't eat your house, they just invade and eat your food. *L*

Ballroom dancing - can be fun to watch in very small doses I suppose... depends on the dancers probably too, some are probably more entertaining than others.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Are you more...

Are you more...

01) One who enjoys fighting sport (boxing, martial arts, UFC, etc.) or one who thinks fighting sport is barbaric? I wouldn't say barbaric, but I'm not really into it either.

02) Someone who is intolerant of other's beliefs or someone whose beliefs are encroached by other's intolerance? I think I'm pretty tolorant, so long as my beliefs are being tolorated also.

03) Choosey about whether somebody new can be a friend or easily adding somebody new to your list of friends? I am pretty easy to add people to my list of casual friends. However to become a true, trusted, good friend takes time.

04) Thinking that flies are the greater insect irritant or thinking that mosquitos are the greater insect irritant? Mosquitos, cause at least flys don't bite you. Although flys are annoying also.

05) Able to speak with a convincing foreign accent(s) or unable to speak with a convincing foreign accent of any kind? Nope, I think once in a while I can manage a sentence that sounds resonably properly English accented. But that's about it. I'm not even good at other 'American' accents. I have a not totally horrible southern accent, but I can't do East Coast or Mid-west at all.

06) All about the peanut butter or digging the cream cheese? I like both, though not together mind you. It's a mood thing and what I'm eating thing.

07) Into pasta with tomato sauce or into pasta with cream/alfredo sauce? Again, I like both. I guess I choose tomato a little more often.

08) Amused by juvenile humour or amused by high-brow clever word-play? I like both again I think, it's kind of a what mood I'm in thing again.

09) One who knows how and when to use colons and semi-colons in written speech or one who avoids them altogether? I guess avoid. I use them, but who knows if it's properly. *L*

10) Someone who will cry in public or someone who will try to keep crying private and out of public view? I don't like crying in public, but well, sometimes it can't be stopped, I've done it plenty of times, but I don't like doing it.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

10 Best Presents You've Received

Trip to Disneyland when I was 10
Trip LA
Clothes (in general)
Books (in general)
The My Little Pony I got when I was 5
The cool little goodie bags Apryl used to get me (it was always an assortment of fun little things like a string of lights, or a notebook, stuff like that)

Tuesday Twosome

1. When was the last time you cried during a movie? When was the last time you laughed out loud during a movie?
Cried, I don't remember, I'm not a big movie crier.
Laughed out Loud, probably just last week watching that new "Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story" DVD. *L*

2. Have you ever been in a car accident? Have you ever witnessed a car accident?
Nope, and nothing major that I can recall...

3. What is your favourite sport to play? What is your favourite sport to watch?
I don't really play any sports anymore.
I love watching football.

4. How would you describe yourself? How would others describe you?
Hmm, I think I'm pretty mellow, patient, and friendly... not sure how others would describe me...

5. What is your greatest strength? What is your greatest weakness?
I'm pretty good with creative kinds of things, ideas and such.
Weakness, I lack a good deal of confidence.