Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Are you more...

Are you more...

01) One who enjoys fighting sport (boxing, martial arts, UFC, etc.) or one who thinks fighting sport is barbaric? I wouldn't say barbaric, but I'm not really into it either.

02) Someone who is intolerant of other's beliefs or someone whose beliefs are encroached by other's intolerance? I think I'm pretty tolorant, so long as my beliefs are being tolorated also.

03) Choosey about whether somebody new can be a friend or easily adding somebody new to your list of friends? I am pretty easy to add people to my list of casual friends. However to become a true, trusted, good friend takes time.

04) Thinking that flies are the greater insect irritant or thinking that mosquitos are the greater insect irritant? Mosquitos, cause at least flys don't bite you. Although flys are annoying also.

05) Able to speak with a convincing foreign accent(s) or unable to speak with a convincing foreign accent of any kind? Nope, I think once in a while I can manage a sentence that sounds resonably properly English accented. But that's about it. I'm not even good at other 'American' accents. I have a not totally horrible southern accent, but I can't do East Coast or Mid-west at all.

06) All about the peanut butter or digging the cream cheese? I like both, though not together mind you. It's a mood thing and what I'm eating thing.

07) Into pasta with tomato sauce or into pasta with cream/alfredo sauce? Again, I like both. I guess I choose tomato a little more often.

08) Amused by juvenile humour or amused by high-brow clever word-play? I like both again I think, it's kind of a what mood I'm in thing again.

09) One who knows how and when to use colons and semi-colons in written speech or one who avoids them altogether? I guess avoid. I use them, but who knows if it's properly. *L*

10) Someone who will cry in public or someone who will try to keep crying private and out of public view? I don't like crying in public, but well, sometimes it can't be stopped, I've done it plenty of times, but I don't like doing it.

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