Friday, October 28, 2005

Friday Feast

Do you button shirts top-to-bottom or bottom-to-top?
Usually bottom to top I think, but I've been known to vary it

What is your favorite sandwich?
My very favorite used to be this roast beef on sour dough with lettuce, tomato, and mayo until I stopped eating red meat. :P So now, I guess much the same, but substitue the roast beef with turkey and add a little mustard to the mix.

What was a family project you helped work on as a child?
Um, when we moved into our house when I was like nine I helped paint the walls. Most every room got a new coat when we moved in.

Main Course
When have you acted phony?
Hmm... that's hard, um, possibly in some situation with probably family, my mom's side, when I needed to just act a certain way. Like during my grandmother's illness and then her death. There was just so much drama going on, and so much bullshit and my aunt and uncle vying for stuff with my mom. Sometimes it was just sad how much greed of money amounts swayed my aunt and uncle at times and how catty they got over stuff. And it was like, just smile and pretend you're not offended by the whole situation.

Do you write letters or postcards? If so, to whom?
Um, I sometimes will write a letter to my grandmother. My other grandmother, my Nana. (Dad's mom) She lives on the East Coast and doesn't do the internet thing. So old fashioned mail is the way to do it with her still. But I think she's really the only person I write and send actual things in the mail to anymore. Most people I just email.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Wednesday Mind Hump: Dress Like a Dork Day

1. What are some of the dorkiest clothes or outfits you've worn?
Um, well in elementary school and early junior high I wore leggings (it was like 1990 so...)

2. Are there any current fashion styles you think are especially dorky, or just downright embarassing?
Hmm... I don't really know what to call them, but I'd say lately it seems I've walked into Macys Juniors department looked at some of the maniquines and wondered who the hell would ever wear that, and why would someone think that looked good.

3. What would I have to give you or do for you to make you wear the DORKIEST outfit you can think of, in public, for an entire day?
Hmm... I don't know... dorky... maybe cash of a resonably high denomination, or get me like a dream job or something... *L*

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Casual Curiosity

What do you think of...

the art of Pablo Picasso - cool, it's kinda strange, and interesting looking stuff

Health insurance - :P It is what it is... it sucks but if you don't have it you pay through the nose just to have the doctor listen to you cough.

the year 1937 - it's a year I sure don't remember, but remember studing... important year in the build to WWII.

Ants - Eh... kinda weird to watch, annoying if they are in your house. Better though than termites in your house. At least the Ants don't eat your house, they just invade and eat your food. *L*

Ballroom dancing - can be fun to watch in very small doses I suppose... depends on the dancers probably too, some are probably more entertaining than others.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Are you more...

Are you more...

01) One who enjoys fighting sport (boxing, martial arts, UFC, etc.) or one who thinks fighting sport is barbaric? I wouldn't say barbaric, but I'm not really into it either.

02) Someone who is intolerant of other's beliefs or someone whose beliefs are encroached by other's intolerance? I think I'm pretty tolorant, so long as my beliefs are being tolorated also.

03) Choosey about whether somebody new can be a friend or easily adding somebody new to your list of friends? I am pretty easy to add people to my list of casual friends. However to become a true, trusted, good friend takes time.

04) Thinking that flies are the greater insect irritant or thinking that mosquitos are the greater insect irritant? Mosquitos, cause at least flys don't bite you. Although flys are annoying also.

05) Able to speak with a convincing foreign accent(s) or unable to speak with a convincing foreign accent of any kind? Nope, I think once in a while I can manage a sentence that sounds resonably properly English accented. But that's about it. I'm not even good at other 'American' accents. I have a not totally horrible southern accent, but I can't do East Coast or Mid-west at all.

06) All about the peanut butter or digging the cream cheese? I like both, though not together mind you. It's a mood thing and what I'm eating thing.

07) Into pasta with tomato sauce or into pasta with cream/alfredo sauce? Again, I like both. I guess I choose tomato a little more often.

08) Amused by juvenile humour or amused by high-brow clever word-play? I like both again I think, it's kind of a what mood I'm in thing again.

09) One who knows how and when to use colons and semi-colons in written speech or one who avoids them altogether? I guess avoid. I use them, but who knows if it's properly. *L*

10) Someone who will cry in public or someone who will try to keep crying private and out of public view? I don't like crying in public, but well, sometimes it can't be stopped, I've done it plenty of times, but I don't like doing it.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

10 Best Presents You've Received

Trip to Disneyland when I was 10
Trip LA
Clothes (in general)
Books (in general)
The My Little Pony I got when I was 5
The cool little goodie bags Apryl used to get me (it was always an assortment of fun little things like a string of lights, or a notebook, stuff like that)

Tuesday Twosome

1. When was the last time you cried during a movie? When was the last time you laughed out loud during a movie?
Cried, I don't remember, I'm not a big movie crier.
Laughed out Loud, probably just last week watching that new "Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story" DVD. *L*

2. Have you ever been in a car accident? Have you ever witnessed a car accident?
Nope, and nothing major that I can recall...

3. What is your favourite sport to play? What is your favourite sport to watch?
I don't really play any sports anymore.
I love watching football.

4. How would you describe yourself? How would others describe you?
Hmm, I think I'm pretty mellow, patient, and friendly... not sure how others would describe me...

5. What is your greatest strength? What is your greatest weakness?
I'm pretty good with creative kinds of things, ideas and such.
Weakness, I lack a good deal of confidence.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Question of the Day

Which do you do first, brush your teeth or take a shower? Why?

Brush teeth, that morning taste just gets me, I'm not comfortable until I've brushed my teeth.

Monday Madness

1. Name one productive thing you accomplished this past weekend.
Hmm, that's actually really hard. I got the posts up on the LOTR board looking for new RPG players. Other than that, not much... I slept alot.

2. Name two things that you look forward to doing.
This week... um, watching House of D & maybe getting moving on a writing project or two

3. Name three things that gross you out.
spiders, and it's like giant ugly spider season at my house

4. Name four things that you normally do on a daily basis.
brush my teeth *L*
watch TV
snuggle my cats

5. Name five things that you own that you think you could get rid of and not miss.
This one is hard, I'm a total pack rat.
Yoga Mat
a couple of old text books
a couple of my old country music CDs (I rarely listen to much country anymore. There's like 3 country people I still listen too much)
some old folders from school
this pair of shoes I like never wear

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Cult TV

Untouched means I've never seen it. Italics means I've seen it at least once. Bold means I watched it a lot or watched it religiously. Struck out means I've seen it but didn't like it.

30. Square Pegs
29. Rags to Riches
28. Wonderfalls
27. The Daily Show
26. Firefly
25. Freaks and Geeks
24. Absolutely Fabulous
23. Forever Knight
22. H. R. Pufnstuf
21. Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman
20. Twin Peaks
19. Dark Shadows
18. Doctor Who
17. The Avengers
16. My So-Called Life
15. Quantum Leap
14. Beauty and the Beast
13. Babylon 5
12. Family Guy (I'm actually watching it on DVD right now *L*)
11. Mystery Science Theater 3000
10. Pee-Wee's Playhouse
9. Xena: Warrior Princess
8. The Twilight Zone
7. The Prisoner
6. The Simpsons
5. Monty Python's Flying Circus
4. Farscape
3. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
2. The X-Files
1. Star Trek

Taken from the "Lost" section of The Daily Meme

Randomness: Days of the Week

1. Whats your favorite day of the week?
During Fall, Sunday, it's got the football, and sleeping in year round.

2. What's your least favorite?
Maybe Wednesday... hard to say now that all my days just sort of run together

3. Do you have a particular day & time that you look forward to?Like Friday nights or Saturdays? Why?
Sundays during football season, and Monday night... or any other prime time with a favorite TV show. If I haven't said it before, I LOVE TV *LOL*

Question of the Day

What is the last thing you baked from scratch?

Russian Teacakes a few weeks ago :)

Unconsious Mutterings: More word association

  1. Quirk:: Strange
  2. Crystal:: Cove
  3. Pet Peeve:: grrr
  4. Cuban:: Ricky Ricardo
  5. Breasts:: nice
  6. Whispers:: silent
  7. Complicated:: simple
  8. Promise me:: okay
  9. Murder:: in the first
  10. Filament:: small

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Saturday 8: Creativity

1. are you good at drawing or painting?
Not really

2. have you ever, or do you currently, write poetry?
Yeah, I used to write a lot of blank verse poety, don't really do it anymore though

3. have you ever, or do you currently, write short stories?
Yes, I have and keep trying to.

4. what musical instrument(s) do you - or did you - play?
None, unfortunatly. I wish I did though.

5. creativity is apparent in many ways ... decorating, drawing/painting, voice, sculpture, screen/playwriting, etc. do you consider yourself a creative person? why or why not?
Yeah, I do. I like to write, and do photography. And put the two together and make a movie.

6. if you could be bestowed one creative and talented gift, what would it be, and why?
I guess I'd like to have less writer's block with writing. but if it's a totally untapped currently arena, then music.

7. my uncle, grandmother, and daughter are artists and can paint/draw fabulously. i'm the opposite - my stick figures are uneven! who received the artisitic talent in your family?
I think it got fairly reasonably divided. If anything I got the shorter end. But, it's still there.

8. do you think it is more important to follow your dream and live meagerly, OR do you think it is more important to live comfortably and plan for your future while you follow your dream on the side?
For me, personally, I'd probably have to be comfortable and be doing something until I got my break. But I'd like to think sometimes that I could somehow manage scraping by and just follow the dream full on.

Casual Curiosity #1

Instructions: Give your opinion on each of the 5 subjects below. Descriptive links are provided if you want to know more about the subject. What do you think about...

the board game Trivial Pursuit - It's okay I guess. Only played it a few times as a kid.

the state of Kentucky - Don't know, never been there, can't say it's really on my list of places I'd like to go either.

the astrological sign and constellation Pisces - Cool... stars are cool, and astrology's fun. Only known off hand though of a couple Pisces, and both kind of put me ill at ease. Even though supposedly my sign is aparently supposed to mesh well with Pisces.

Winnie the Pooh, the fictional bear - Winnie the Pooh is cute and Funny. :)

Castles - Castles are WAY cool! I love photos of all the old castles in England and other parts of Europe, really amazing structures.

Friday, October 07, 2005


Found at: Sweet Memes

1. Name someone with the same birthday as you?
Selma Blair, Jason Mraz, LaDanian Tomlinson (ha, I named 3!)

2. Where was your first kiss?
In a smoky basement

3. Have you ever seriously vandalised someone else's property?
No, that's just mean and uncalled for

4. Have you ever hit someone of the opposite sex?
back in like junior high

5. Have you ever sung in front of a large number of people?
Nope... I'm a bad singer

6. What's the first thing you notice about the preferred sex?
I think I notice the over all package first, then start picking up on eyes, or smile, etc from there...

7. What really turns you on?
sweet, cute, intelligent, interesting, good conversation

8. What do you order at Starbucks?
carmel machiato

9. What is your biggest mistake?
oh jez... no idea... made so many along the way...

10. Have you ever hurt yourself on purpose?
sort of

11. Say something totally random about yourself.
I love gummi bears

12. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?

13. Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows?
yeah sometimes

14. Did you have braces?

15. Are you comfortable with your height?
yeah, I'm kinda short, and that's okay. It's only annoying on occations of trying to reach things on high shelfs, but that's what foot stools are made for...

16. What is the most romantic thing someone of the opposite sex has done for you?
never really had anyone do anything romantic since I've never really dated or been in a relationship

17. When do you know it's love?
No idea, never been in love

18. Do you speak any other languages?

19. Have you ever been to a tanning salon?

20. What magazines do you read?
Lots, Maxim, Entertainment Weekly, People, Elle, etc... all sorts

21. Have you ever ridden in a limo?

22. Has anyone you were really close to passed away?
My grandmother and my cousin, and several pets (I believe they count too)

23. Do you watch MTV?
Sometimes, when there's nothing else on. I occationally get addicted to some lame reality show they air.

24. What's something that really annoys you?
rude, self rightious, lying, condesending people

25. What's something you really like?
stuffed animals

26. Do you like Michael Jackson?
no, he's creepy, and his music never really did much for me either

27. Can you dance?
probably just well enough not to embarass myself on a dance floor at like a club or something

28. What's the latest you have ever stayed up?
Um... all night... like Noon the next day?

29. Have you ever been rushed by an ambulance into the emergency room?
No, thank goodness

30. Do you actually read these when other people fill them out?
Yeah, that's how I got this. Was reading someone else's blog, someone I don't even know at all. They are fun to read.

4 for Friday: Pick Edition

Q: What are four (4) of your favorite words?

Q: What are four (4) things you hope to do this weekend?
hang out with friends
watch movies
do something creative

Q: What are the four (4) things you say most often?
"I'm hungry"
"Need Food"

Q: What are four (4) things you wish you could do right now?
Go to Hawaii
Go to Idaho (where my friend is staying with her parents this month)
Get a job that would help me get a step into my desired career
Have fun? *L*

Q: What are four (4) things that turn you on?
good looking

Q: What are four (4) things you know you can't do?
hold my breath
play music
speak any language other than English (and I've tried to learn Spanish twice now)

Q: What are your four (4) favorite things to do?
Watch TV or movies
random creative endevors online
take pictures (though I don't do enough of it)

Q: What four (4) sounds or noises do you absolutely hate?
claws on the wall (like nails on chalkboard)
the sound of some car speeding too fast down my residental street
babies screaming (not crying, that's okay, screaming though...)
someone getting preachy about something


1] What is your family like? How would you describe them? Do you come from a large family or a small one?
My family is a little weird, but I suppose everyone's is. It's an alright family, some parts are better than others. They can be fun though, and amusing. My immediate family in my house (mom & bro) are pretty good. Immediate family is small, just one younger brother and parents. Extended family a little bigger, but not like huge. My dad is one of 6, and there's 10 living grandkids in the family.

2] What do you like most about your family? Is there anything that you dislike?
My dad's family is full of great stories and fun times. They're a good bunch. I think my dislikes revolve around just that sometimes family can be strange, you don't pick them, and sometimes people can be just fine in some ways, but other situations you really learn about their faults and find that they are faults that really get on your nerves. Like being a little superficial, or something like that.

3] What does family mean to you? How often do you get to see your family?
I love my family. My dad's side all live far away, and I only see them every few years, which I'd love to see them more. But, well, I'm bad with getting organized and figuring out how to get places. Plus it seems weird to call up and say "hey, can I come stay with you for a week at this time?"

4] If you have inlaws, do you get along well with them? Are they pretty different from your family or similar? How often do you see them?
No in-laws. At this point, I likely won't have any. But Apryl's husband Matt once referanced us as best friend in-laws. *L*

5] Do you have anyone who is like a "second family" to you? If so, who and why?
Yeah, two almost like sisters.
Apryl & Andrea- I've known them both since high school (like 11 years now). They have always been there when needed, and also just been people who I've had a lot of good times with, and worked through bad times with. I've know them a long time, and trust them, and care about them. They are both really cool people who are my closest friends. I'm the honorary aunt to Apryl's son, and Marcus (Andrea's husband) has apparently taken to referancing me as Andrea's "little sister". Which works out good on both counts. Apryl being an only child, and Andrea and I both only have brothers (me 1, her 3 *L*). So, by nature we all lack an actual sister. And now I have the next best thing times 2. :)

(Friday Forum again)


1] What are your favorite autumn foods and beverages?
Well, I've always loved a few of the corner stones of Thanksgiving dinners: turkey with gravy, mashed potatoes, & cranberry sauce

2] Do you have any fun things planned for this fall, such as attending an autumn festival, going apple picking, hosting a Halloween party, etc.?
I might actually get to finally attend a Halloween event for the first time in like 10 years. Which would be really cool, since Halloween is, despite never doing anything, my favorite holiday.

3] What has your autumn weather been like so far? Is fall your favorite season? What is your area's autumn weather typically like?
Well, we've had a pretty mild summer aside from a week or two. August seemed unseasonably cool this year. And thus far, fall is a touch cooler than the end of summer, but not cold. And not unseasonably cool. Long sleaves are good, but at the peak of the day t-shirts are alright, so long as you aren't out too early or late, if so, a sweatshirt will do the trick. Usually autumn starts cooling off a bit from summer, although we've had plenty of early Octobers where it still feels like summer. Fall isn't my favorite, I think summer still is, just a bit, but I like all the seasons now.

4] What will you be doing for Thanksgiving this year? Do you usually have a traditional one [turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberries], or do you eat out or fix a nontraditional menu on Thanksgiving Day?
No idea what I'll be doing for Thanksgiving. My friends and I have talked about a road trip possibly that week. But if not, then probably what happens most years, my mom or brother will make some turkey cutlets, gravy, mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce, possibly a pumpkin pie.

5] Some people start Christmas shopping in October. Do you?
My family doesn't really do Christmas anymore. I will probably send out x-mas ecards like I did last year to my East Coast relatives, but no real shopping to do.

(From Friday Forum)

Some word association...

From Unconsious Mutterings

  1. Quaint:: cute and cozy
  2. Rind:: seeds
  3. Disease:: sickness
  4. Queer:: as folk
  5. Pork:: chops
  6. Soaked:: raining all day
  7. Skeleton:: key, in the closet
  8. Mold:: yuck
  9. Finished:: finally
  10. Buffalo:: Bill

Friday's Feast: #65

Name 3 qualities that are important to you in friendship.

If you could dream about anything tonight, what would the subject matter be?
Sean Bean *L*

Do you usually make an effort to personally thank people who do favors for you?
Yeah, I usually try to thank them as personally as I can, be that in person, or phone call, etc

Main Course
If you had to go out of town for an extended period of time, who would you trust to take care of your home and belongings?
My mom or Brother, or Andrea, or if Apryl were here Apryl

How do you react to practical jokes when they're played on you?
Probably not very well, I generally don't enjoy practical jokes. I can't even watch shows like punked, cause I feel so bad for the person being pranked. It just seems so horribly mean to me.

Friday Fun: Fun stuff

1. What is your idea of fun? I'm pretty simple, I think movies, maybe a drive to the coast, and some good friends.
2. Describe your ideal fun day! See above, mesh it into one day...
3. What was your most fun day you have had? It was actually a weekend, in May the weekend I graduated from College. Spent Saturday, Sunday, and Monday having fun, hanging out with friends and family.

Friday Fiver: So after school, I take a dip in the pool.

Here's an older set...

1. Describe your education: Interesting, a journey, fun, confusing, weird, long, drawn out, yet lacking somehow
2. What's the last class you attended? Video Editing, it was my last class of my college life (unless I go back to school again someday)
3. Which do you think is more critical: classroom learning or real life experience? real life experience
4. What subject would you like to learn more about? There were a lot of things I would have liked to learn more about, the most useful though would be in film making since that's what I want to do.
5. Given the choice, would you sit in the front of a classroom or in the back? Back, usually.

Friday Fiver: 4 8 15 16 23 42

1. What is the most important thing you've ever lost? My Driver's Licence (fortunately it turned up again.)
2. When is the last time you lost your keys? I don't think I've lost my keys, just the aformentioned Driver's Licence.
3. Have you ever felt like you've lost your mind? Plenty... usually at least once a year. *heh*
4. Are you likely to ask for directions when lost or to continue to wander? Probably wander a little bit to see if I can figure it out myself, but then ask for directions if I can't figure it out in a short time.
5. Numerology: reliable or just a load of bunk? Never paid a lot of attention to it... probably not super reliable... but who knows...

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Humming Dragonfly Search

Thursday Threesome

Onesome: Humming-- Humming a little tune are we? Do you have any new musical finds to share with the group? ...or how about an oldie you wished you could find to add to your collection?
I listen to a lot of music, often a little of everything. One of my favorites I found just this year is Ingram Hill. An oldie that I like that I did manage to get in my collection is a James Taylor Greatest Hits album.

Twosome: Dragonfly-- Do you have dragonflies where you live? If so, are there any local names you've heard of for them rather than the 'western classic'?
Yes, we have dragonflies. I don't think I've heard anyone call them anything else around here other than that. My friend has dragonfly car accessories, she loves them.

Threesome: Search-- Quick! What was the last thing you searched for on the Net? (...or around the house if you've been holding back here . )
I went searching for meme questions after finding the first meme site. Which I stumbled into while looking for picture scan sites.

True or False

From Monday Madness

1. I'm at my best in the early morning. False, I'm not really a morning person. I tend to wake groggy and sometimes grumpy.
2. I start each day with a healthy breakfast. False, sometimes, but sometimes not, and sometimes I skip breakfast all together.
3. I'm always sure to get at least 7 hours of sleep each night. False, I like to, but it doesn't always happen. I've been known to get by a day on just 4 hours.
4. I enjoy my job. False/True? I don't currently have a job. Which I do sometimes enjoy doing nothing, I need a job. But hopefully when I get one, it'll be one I like. I liked the job I had a couple years ago working at a photo lab.
5. I get along with most everyone. True, I'm a pretty easy going person I think, who's willing to be pretty nice and acommodating with most people.
6. I'm looking forward to the new season of tv shows this year. True, I LOVE TV.
7. I make sure I take some time for myself every day. Guess True, I usually end up with time to myself late at night when everyone else is in bed.


Just to kick it off, a normal post. All that follows will be memes or possibly quiz results and the like. This will be a fun kind of blog. There seem to be several 'day of the week' meme places, but I doubt I'll be able to keep to this this day, that that day. So I will simply post whatever meme from whereever whenever... at least for now... :P