Monday, October 10, 2005

Monday Madness

1. Name one productive thing you accomplished this past weekend.
Hmm, that's actually really hard. I got the posts up on the LOTR board looking for new RPG players. Other than that, not much... I slept alot.

2. Name two things that you look forward to doing.
This week... um, watching House of D & maybe getting moving on a writing project or two

3. Name three things that gross you out.
spiders, and it's like giant ugly spider season at my house

4. Name four things that you normally do on a daily basis.
brush my teeth *L*
watch TV
snuggle my cats

5. Name five things that you own that you think you could get rid of and not miss.
This one is hard, I'm a total pack rat.
Yoga Mat
a couple of old text books
a couple of my old country music CDs (I rarely listen to much country anymore. There's like 3 country people I still listen too much)
some old folders from school
this pair of shoes I like never wear

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