Saturday, October 08, 2005

Casual Curiosity #1

Instructions: Give your opinion on each of the 5 subjects below. Descriptive links are provided if you want to know more about the subject. What do you think about...

the board game Trivial Pursuit - It's okay I guess. Only played it a few times as a kid.

the state of Kentucky - Don't know, never been there, can't say it's really on my list of places I'd like to go either.

the astrological sign and constellation Pisces - Cool... stars are cool, and astrology's fun. Only known off hand though of a couple Pisces, and both kind of put me ill at ease. Even though supposedly my sign is aparently supposed to mesh well with Pisces.

Winnie the Pooh, the fictional bear - Winnie the Pooh is cute and Funny. :)

Castles - Castles are WAY cool! I love photos of all the old castles in England and other parts of Europe, really amazing structures.

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