Saturday, October 08, 2005

Saturday 8: Creativity

1. are you good at drawing or painting?
Not really

2. have you ever, or do you currently, write poetry?
Yeah, I used to write a lot of blank verse poety, don't really do it anymore though

3. have you ever, or do you currently, write short stories?
Yes, I have and keep trying to.

4. what musical instrument(s) do you - or did you - play?
None, unfortunatly. I wish I did though.

5. creativity is apparent in many ways ... decorating, drawing/painting, voice, sculpture, screen/playwriting, etc. do you consider yourself a creative person? why or why not?
Yeah, I do. I like to write, and do photography. And put the two together and make a movie.

6. if you could be bestowed one creative and talented gift, what would it be, and why?
I guess I'd like to have less writer's block with writing. but if it's a totally untapped currently arena, then music.

7. my uncle, grandmother, and daughter are artists and can paint/draw fabulously. i'm the opposite - my stick figures are uneven! who received the artisitic talent in your family?
I think it got fairly reasonably divided. If anything I got the shorter end. But, it's still there.

8. do you think it is more important to follow your dream and live meagerly, OR do you think it is more important to live comfortably and plan for your future while you follow your dream on the side?
For me, personally, I'd probably have to be comfortable and be doing something until I got my break. But I'd like to think sometimes that I could somehow manage scraping by and just follow the dream full on.

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