Friday, October 07, 2005


1] What is your family like? How would you describe them? Do you come from a large family or a small one?
My family is a little weird, but I suppose everyone's is. It's an alright family, some parts are better than others. They can be fun though, and amusing. My immediate family in my house (mom & bro) are pretty good. Immediate family is small, just one younger brother and parents. Extended family a little bigger, but not like huge. My dad is one of 6, and there's 10 living grandkids in the family.

2] What do you like most about your family? Is there anything that you dislike?
My dad's family is full of great stories and fun times. They're a good bunch. I think my dislikes revolve around just that sometimes family can be strange, you don't pick them, and sometimes people can be just fine in some ways, but other situations you really learn about their faults and find that they are faults that really get on your nerves. Like being a little superficial, or something like that.

3] What does family mean to you? How often do you get to see your family?
I love my family. My dad's side all live far away, and I only see them every few years, which I'd love to see them more. But, well, I'm bad with getting organized and figuring out how to get places. Plus it seems weird to call up and say "hey, can I come stay with you for a week at this time?"

4] If you have inlaws, do you get along well with them? Are they pretty different from your family or similar? How often do you see them?
No in-laws. At this point, I likely won't have any. But Apryl's husband Matt once referanced us as best friend in-laws. *L*

5] Do you have anyone who is like a "second family" to you? If so, who and why?
Yeah, two almost like sisters.
Apryl & Andrea- I've known them both since high school (like 11 years now). They have always been there when needed, and also just been people who I've had a lot of good times with, and worked through bad times with. I've know them a long time, and trust them, and care about them. They are both really cool people who are my closest friends. I'm the honorary aunt to Apryl's son, and Marcus (Andrea's husband) has apparently taken to referancing me as Andrea's "little sister". Which works out good on both counts. Apryl being an only child, and Andrea and I both only have brothers (me 1, her 3 *L*). So, by nature we all lack an actual sister. And now I have the next best thing times 2. :)

(Friday Forum again)

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